Gimnazija dr. Ivana Kranjčeva, Đurđevac
April – June 2018
Podravina has made a name for itself in local art history as the centre of naïve art, an art movement started by painter Krsto Hegedušić some 90 years ago. Although we tend to think of them in terms of landscapes, naïve painters have, not at all naïvely, often made record of the characteristic lifestyle of the periphery. Despite the fact that Podravina has seen profound changes since, the centralization of local cultural production suggests that we should follow in the footsteps of Krsto Hegedušić, albeit to the beat of modern times and contemporary artistic idiom. The young people of Đurđevac will master the art of graffiti, a technique which is itself the product of the creative expression of young people lacking formal art education. Antonija Bačić and Mario Miličić will acquaint the students with the history of graffiti art and its different styles. Through practical work, they will master the basics of visual arts and try out the techniques (stencils, spray paints etc.). They will develop the concepts and participate in the realization of two murals in the public space of Đurđevac. The workshop will also include meeting Lunar, a Zagreb graffiti artist.
workshop led by: Antonija Bačić and Mario Miličić
teacher: Hrvoje Baltić
coordinator: Ana Kutleša
The organisation of the workshop is co-funded under the Effective Human Resources Operational Programme from the European Social Fund.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
Total grant: HRK 538,463.08
EU grant: HRK 457,693.62