Culture on minimum wage - no go!

illustration: Rina Barbarić for Enough with the cuts!
Culture is one of the sectors most affected by corona crises, while pandemic circumstances have underlined its cohesive potential and importance for social recovery. Research shows that even before the crisis, working conditions in culture were poor. Although a large part of cultural production is done by NGOs, their position is particularly precarious. However, in 2015, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia showed that it does not care about working conditions in NGOs by changing guidelines for the Public needs in Culture Open Call and declaring salary costs non eligible. These workers were also left out of the crisis measures.
The aim of the project is to empower workers, artists and NGOs in the field of culture in Croatia in self-organization and joint advocacy of cultural policies based on the principles of public good and decent working conditions. We request a change in the conditions of the Open call for Public needs in culture which would make salaries and indirect costs in the amount of up to 25% an eligible costs, and an increase of the total budget for public needs.
Our 1st activity involves hiring a legal expert to investigate national laws and other acts that can serve as a basis for advocating changes. Through 2nd activity, mobilization of target groups, we will build a strong "back up" and provide support to our demands. In the 3rd activity we will conduct a public campaign that will culminate before the announcement of the Open cal for public needs in culture.
Our primary beneficiaries are NGOs (workers, associates, members), initiatives, art organizations and associations of cultural NGOs, which we want to empower and mobilize for grounded advocacy. We also aim at the support of the wider cultural and NGO field, unions, public institutions and decision makers, since it is in the interest of all of them to have an accessible culture produced in adequate conditions. The only way to achieve that is to fight for it ourselves.
Project duration: 15.6. - 15.9.2021.
Total project value and approved amount of support: EUR 4,971.98
Project implementation area: Republic of Croatia
Project impact covered by the project: Strengthened advocacy / watchdog role of civil society
Priority program area: Democracy, active citizenship and transparency
Illustration: Rina Barbarić for Enough with the Cuts!
Projekt “Kultura na minimalcu - neće proći!” je podržan sa 4,971.98 € financijske podrške Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP i Norveških grantova. Tisak ove publikacije omogućen je financijskom podrškom Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP i Norveških grantova. Sadržaj ove publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Lokalne baze za osvježavanje kulture BLOK i ne odražava nužno stavove država donatorica i Upravitelja Fonda.
The project "Culture on a minimum wage - no go!" has been supported by € 4,971.98 financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA and Norwegian grants. Publishing of this publication was made possible by the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA and Norwegian grants. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of BLOK - Local Base for Cultural Refreshment and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the donor countries or the Fund Manager.