collaborative projecti
Mosor Cinema
Operation:City 2008 was a three-week-long series of events summing up the efforts of Zagreb’s independent cultural scene in the fields of cultural production, urban development, space policies, cultural policies and citizen participation.
The program consisted of the following units: an international conference entitled "The Neoliberal Frontline: Urban Struggles in Post-Socialist Societies", a series of artistic interventions in public spaces called "If You Encounter Them on the Streets, Join in", a documentary exhibition on urbanism called "How the City Builds the City", round-table conferences ("Public Space Between Cars and Pedestrians: the Case of Kvaternikov Square in Zagreb", "National Forum for Space: Space and Sustainable Development", "Implosion of the Left: Politics of Culture and Social Experimentation" and "European Culture Policy and the Independent Cultural Scene of the Western Balkans Region"), and a workshop of cultural confrontation called "Why Don’t You Address the Mayor?"
co-organized by: Multimedia Institute, Platforma 9,81 - Institute for research in architecture, SU Klubtura /Clubture
partners: Analog, Social Center Mosor Cinema, Kontjener | bureau of contemporary art praxis, Right to the City