BAZA, B. Adžija Street 11, Zagreb
OPENING: September 30, 2016, AT 8 P.M.
the exhibition is open from September 30 to October 30 2016
from Tuesday to Sunday, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.
The emergence of the Croatian edition of Le Monde diplomatique four years ago stirred the media scene by opposing the ideology of journalist professionalism as something disinterested and by definition apolitical. By insisting on a critical and engaged perspective, this monthly with a focus on foreign politics brings economical, political and cultural analysis of contemporary phenomena through their historic contextualisation. Together with filling the existing gap in the analysis of a global political scene, it develops a specific politics in the treatment of visual materials, which, in line with its political idea of journalism, it places into the field of engaged visual art.
While the photographs in LMD are being treated as an independent authorial entity, s ome sort of visual essays by home and international authors on the neglected and silenced social phenomena, a straightway illustrative function of the textual meterial is given to the drawing. The exhibition Drawing of politics, the politics of drawing presents a selection of LMD’s production through presenting the works of 17 authors who come from different fields of visual arts - painting, comics, animation, street art, design. The works are gathered into 18 thematic units: social state, fascism, women and society, professional football, geopolitics, supranational institutions and questions of democracy, portraits, control and supervision, labour, migrations and flows of capital. Although these are diferent poetics in translating complex geopolitical themes into a visual arts language, the focus of these works are social issues. The illustrator thus becomes a herald of those whom the dominant class despises and they put their artistic work in the service of emancipation.
PARTICIPANTS: Ivana Armanini (CRO), Sretan Bor (CRO), Petja Dimitrova (AT), Dunja Janković (CRO), Dalibor Kazija (CRO), KURS (RS), Mirna Kutleša (CRO), Vasja Lebarić (SLO), Linnch (MN), Ivo Matić (CRO), Krešimir Certić Miš (CRO), Lucija Mrzljak (CRO), Vuk Palibrk (RS), Jan Pavlović (CRO), Ivana Pipal (CRO), Mirko Rastić (CRO), Anja Sušanj (CRO), Vedran Štimac (CRO)
CURATORS: Ivana Hanaček, Ana Kutleša, Vesna Vuković
PRODUCTION OF ILLUSTRATIONS: cooperative KopMedija for Le Monde diplomatique, Croatian edition
EXHIBITION DESIGN: Dario Dević and Hrvoje Živčić
TECHNICAL STUP: Tajana Meter and Lucija Brkan
The exhibition is realised by the resources of BLOK and KopMedija, since on the official tenders of the City of Zagreb and Ministry of Culture it received zero funding. We would like to thank all the authors for their cooperation.