Open call for research residency programme

Research focus: The Housing Question in the Zagreb Neighborhood of Trešnjevka
Application deadline: June 10, 2016
We are seeking applications from artists to be part of our new research residency programme. The residency takes place in and around our new space called BAZA (in English: base) situated in the Zagreb neighborhood of Trešnjevka and should focus on the housing question. Researchers will be awarded a grant of 1000 EUR for one month stay during a mutually agreed period between September 15 and November 15 2016.
The research programme will explore the housing question in Trešnjevka. Historically, Trešnjevka was a working class neighbourhood, filled with low-quality, pre-World War II construction, and it was one of the places where the working class movement sprung from and the area contributed greatly to Zagreb's anti-fascist movement.After World War II, as with many other parts of Zagreb, Trešnjevka tended towards a socialist city, through projects of collective housing and the construction of infrastructure, which can still be seen in the neighbourhood cultural centre CeKaTe. During the transitional period, Trešnjevka was largely characterised by illegal construction, the influence of the private market on housing, acquisitions of dilapidated housing units and market placement of new buildings, whose parameters changed the organisation of the neighbourhood to its core. The present state of housing in Trešnjevka will serve as the starting point for the artistic research residency.
Through organised meetings and guided tours, the selected artist will be offered an insight into the history that shaped the Zagreb of today with a special emphasis on the neighborhood of Trešnjevka and its housing question. The research will be further developed during the residency in collaboration with the curatorial team of BLOK, and according to the artists' interests.Artists will be expected to publicly present their research in BAZA.
In addition to the fee of 1000 EUR, BLOK will cover accommodation costs for a period of one month and there is a limited budget for travel costs.
Applications should be sent to (subject: For the Open Call) by June 10, 2016.
Please include a letter of intent (no longer than 750 words) which explains motivation for the topic and interest in the context, a CV and a PDF portfolio. Images should be embedded in the PDF, but not be sent as separate files. Please specify proposed dates for your residency(one month between September 15 and November 15 2016). If there are additional costs, beyond your honorarium, please list them in the proposal.